25 Jan 3 Reasons Why You Need A Website Redesign in 2️020
Your website is like your brand’s home- and we all know what a pain it is to move. All the effort of packing boxes, calling the movers, unpacking boxes and setting up shop again- we all know that it sucks, but we’ve all been happier after it happened! A website redesign may not be on top of your to-do list in 2020, but when you find out all the business you’ve been missing out on- you’ll be glad you read this!
Here are 3 reasons why you need a website redesign in 2020!
- It Just Doesn’t Work Anymore
A well functioning and useful website HAS to meet some standards. Here are some questions you should ask yourself– Does it load quickly? – Do users have a good experience? – Is it easy to navigate around?
If you aren’t confident about the answer, there’s a good chance you’re losing a LOT of customers. A redesign would be a huge boost for your sales and lead generation!
- Outdated Third Party Tools
Third party resources are useful applications you embedded into your website when you created it way(way) back. They improve user experience by adding necessary functions such as a shopping cart widget or chat bots. Modern day resources are much better than their ancient counterparts and do wonders for your website speed. If you find your site crashing often or running slower than usual, it may be time to get a redesign and upgrade those third party resources.
- It Isn’t Mobile Friendly
Latest market research shows that 8️3️% of people use mobile devices or tablets to search and browse the Internet. People want information when and where they are, and if your website doesn’t check the right boxes, visitors will move on in a heart beat. A mobile optimized website is the bare minimum you need to stay in the digital market in 2020! Use the Google Mobile Optimization Tester to find out whether your website is up to standards or not.
If you don’t have a well designed, updated and smooth website, you risk losing hundreds of potential clients and customers. If you need any help designing your new website or updating your old one, just click on the lion, and let the experts take care of it for you.