Fraud Blocker Nancy Di Nino Website Design | Natalie Minh Interactive


Nancy Di Nino Logo

Our approach to the design was to capture her professional brand personality. We focused on creating an inviting design, friendly interface to make it look more modern and approachable.

We showcased her personal experiences, client success stories to give inspiration and motivation to her audience.


  • Clarify Nancy’s brand message through the Story Brand methodology.
  • Design a new sales funnel site which follows the StoryBrand framework.
  • Build an interactive platform integrated with ClickFunnels where users participate in a fitness challenge and then enroll for Private coaching with Nancy Di Nino.
  • Create a user-friendly website with improved navigation through various programs enabling easy browsing and seamless experience.
  • Implement a fully responsive solution.


  • Clarify Nancy’s brand message through the Story Brand methodology.
  • Design a new sales funnel site which follows the StoryBrand framework.
  • Build an interactive platform integrated with ClickFunnels where users participate in a fitness challenge and then enroll for Private coaching with Nancy Di Nino.
  • Create a user-friendly website with improved navigation through various programs enabling easy browsing and seamless experience.
  • Implement a fully responsive solution.

Our Strategy

Nancy Di Nino is a Certified Clinical Weight Loss Practitioner and a CPF certified trainer of 25 years, figure competitor, and former world-class salsa dancer has been an athlete her entire life and has been on features and covers for top publications like Oxygen, Muscle & Fitness Hers, and Iron Man Magazine.

As someone who has won against with a naturally slow metabolism in addition to low thyroid, she has spent almost her entire career developing a custom fitness method that really works for any body type, and therefore, Nancy approached us to help her broadcast her skills as a mentor and share her secrets of fitness on a global platform.

The requirements for the site were to allow users to participate in Nancy’s 30-day FASTFLEX30 Fitness challenge, as well as to let them enroll for private 1 on 1 coaching with Nancy.

Our goal was to create a website demonstrating her credibility and trustworthiness and significantly improving the site aesthetics and user experience.

IMG1 Nancy Di Nino


IMG2 Nancy Di Nino

30 Fitness Challenge

Private Online Coaching Nancy Di Nino

Private Online Coaching

Private Online Coaching Nancy Di Nino


The site was developed with the latest technology, following WordPress standards integrated with ClickFunnel. It is fully mobile / tablet responsive, Google page speed optimized, fully secured with SSL certificate, compatible with all major browsers, and SEO friendly.

It features a straightforward site structure and stronger calls to action. The StoryBrand messaging is enhanced through the sales page to provide trust and credibility for Nancy’s growing brand.

The sales process includes a freemium for users, where they get a brand new PDF exclusively designed by NMI titled “7 day debloat and slimdown”. The program sales funnel for the “30-day challenge” is integrated with ClickFunnel via WordPress, which allows users to make purchases and receive program content via email offering the VIP program Upsell with the challenge program sales.

The website contains a special plan for users, who want to enroll in private coaching with Nancy and this is done by integrating a dual PayPal and Stripe checkout including an exclusive option for users to make the payment in two equal installments.

The resultant WordPress-based website is fast, responsive, and has been able to provide our client the ability to understand and execute text and other static content changes on the website with WordPress’s simple interface, ensuring complete independence for the client and their website.

Mobile Mockup Nancy Di Nino