RESTORE: The Bodyweight Strength Program

By 4 years ago

RESTORE: The Bodyweight Strength Program

We were determined to weave a design that would suit best given his aura and skills as a conditioning coach along with following the best protocols to build an easy-going sales page where visitors can relate to the programs and their content with ease.

The requirement also was to build a system that would allow users to purchase plans and then receive login access to the same, which was accomplished by the integration of ThriveCart.

Lyman’s personal stories and messages for visitors apart from client testimonials have been adequately highlighted on the sales page to aid in maximum sales conversions.


  • Promote Al Lyman’s new training program “Restore: The Bodyweight strength program and foundation program” based on the StoryBrand guidelines for perfect outlining of program features, designing a new sales funnel to promote the sales for the online stability-mobility and performance optimization program.
  • Building an adaptable and easy-to-use webpage to highlight plan features with the objective of promoting sales and create a lasting impression on the visitor’s minds.
  • Ensuring the responsiveness of the design and ease of use across all browsing devices


  • Promote Al Lyman’s new training program “Restore: The Bodyweight strength program and foundation program” based on the StoryBrand guidelines for perfect outlining of program features, designing a new sales funnel to promote the sales for the online stability-mobility and performance optimization program.
  • Building an adaptable and easy-to-use webpage to highlight plan features with the objective of promoting sales and create a lasting impression on the visitor’s minds.
  • Ensuring the responsiveness of the design and ease of use across all browsing devices

Our Strategy

Al Lyman, being someone whose popularity precedes him, along with the professional recognition bestowed upon him by various top institutes such as The Cooper Institute, National Strength and Conditioning Association and apart from being a certified USA weightlifting coach, USA Cycling coach, USA Triathlon coach only adds to his repertoire of coaching versatility.

Al approached us with a request to help him channel his skills as a mentor and share the secrets of stamina building and foundation strength on a global platform for which a brand new program sales page was the obvious solution. We worked on Al’s existing website and built an all-new Sales page for the “Restore” program.

Our objective was to build a sales page that underlines the authenticity of Al Lyman’s training methods and the features of the “Restore” program, maintaining an overall elite level of UX and ease of operating.


The page was developed with the latest technology, following WordPress standards. It is fully mobile / tablet responsive, Google page speed optimized, fully secured with SSL certificate, compatible with all major browsers, and SEO friendly.

It features a straightforward site structure and stronger calls-to-action. The brand storytelling is enhanced through the Homepage to provide trust and credibility for Al Lyman’s growing brand.

The resultant solution implemented is a quick-load and easily navigable sales page. By using PHP based WordPress framework for the website, and complying with internet standards on web-page loading apart from integrating Al Layman’s customized premium checkout options we have designed a solution that allows the owners to tweak with webpage’s content without writing a single line of code!


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