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FREE Digital Marketing Assessment Quiz
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Is your
Online Marketing Strategy
or Barely Surviving?
Take the quiz and get your
free digital marketing assessment
PDF + 30 min consultation strategy call
of 12
What are your dominant revenue streams?
0 of 500 max characters
In three sentences or less, can you clearly describe what you do or what you offer your clients?
0 of 500 max characters
Have you clearly identified the problems you are helping your customer solve?
0 of 500 max characters
What will your customer’s life look like if they buy your product or service?
0 of 500 max characters
Do you have an elevator pitch that is clear, engaging and easy to understand?
0 of 500 max characters
Is the message your company is telling clear and compelling?
0 of 500 max characters
Does your website include the following items?
Clear and concise statement of what you offer
Images that communicate what success looks like for your customer
Specific value you deliver to your customer as a result of using your product/service
Direct call to action that is the obvious button to press
A plan that shows your customers how to do business with you
A transitional call to action or lead-generating PDF
Bite-size breakdowns of your products or services
None of the above
Do you offer a lead-generating PDF or downloadable asset that captures email addresses?
0 of 500 max characters
Do you have an automated email campaign that onramps your customers to your product or service?
0 of 500 max characters
Have you written a sales letter that is converting prospects into customers?
0 of 500 max characters
Have you collected and displayed stories of transformation you’ve allowed your customers to experience?
0 of 500 max characters
Your name
Email address
Do you need help with your digital marketing?
0 of 500 max characters
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