25 Sep Lead Generation Marketing: Best Source Of Leads
Use Facebook On Your Lead Generation Marketing
In marketing, knowing where your leads are coming from is very important. Without it, your marketing efforts will be running blind and could possibly incur you unnecessary cost. Identifying the best source of leads could determine the success of your marketing push. In this awesome infographics by AddToAny, they were able to identify the best source of leads which could help us in our marketing efforts!
According to the infographics, an amazing 24% of the leads comes from Facebook. That’s how big Facebook is! No wonder businesses are flocking to Facebook for their business visibility. The next lead source is far behind at 11.1% which is the traditional email marketing and then followed by Twitter which is at around 10.8%. Yahoo! Bookmarks follows closely behind at 5.5%. With these 4 remarkable lead sources, you already have about 50% of your total possible lead sources. That’s amazing! So on your next lead generation marketing push, consider looking into this infographic.