11 May Work From Home 2020- Tips to Stay Productive
2020 is looking like a year for the record books! Starting with the Australian Bush Fire tragedy to the novel Coronavirus pandemic, it’s been an eventful quarter. The COVID-19 outbreak has affected everything from international travel to the acute need of home isolation! Drastically rising positive cases has become a major problem in the US, and that’s why many companies are enforcing “Work From Home” protocols.
Sure, this may sound like a dream come true for many, but it’s actually a double edged sword! You may find it’s actually much harder to focus on your work while at home. Whether it’s a pile of laundry that suddenly looks more appealing than your to-do list, or a quick three-hour binge of Netflix, there are plenty of distractions at home to pull down your productivity.
Here are a couple of tips you can use to make sure you stay productive during “work from home” 2020:
1) Set Real Work Hours
If you want to make working from home a daily commitment, then it’s important to set specific work hours. The amazing thing about working from home is that you can be flexible with regard to working hours. If you find that you are more productive in the morning, or in case you have a breakfast and study routine for the kids, you may want to start your work hours from 6 a.m. , and finish up early.
Doesn’t matter what times you choose, make sure you establish fixed work hours to follow each day. Don’t forget to communicate your timings to other team members!
2) Stay Off Social Media
I’m sure that EVERYONE is guilty of this one sometime or the other! Social media can be a giant time wasting black hole-if you aren’t careful. Constantly checking Facebook and Instagram not only eats into your work hours, but it also reduces your productivity for the remainder of your task schedule. Minimize the mindless use of social media which we’re all guilty of- and you’ll find that you’re getting much more work done.
Make it a habit to shut off social media notifications during work hours.
3) Designate a Work Space
Designating an official work space during your work from home journey is one of the most important psychological hacks for increased productivity. This way when you step into that room, or sit down at that desk, your brain knows that it’s time to go in to work mode.
You could use an empty bedroom as your home office. Pressed for space? Just set up a desk for your computer and other work supplies.
Size of space or it’s location are minor issues- just make sure you set up a workspace which is quiet so you can focus on your tasks!